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Chuck Smith – January 2022 Magician of the Month

Chuck Smith - January 2022 Magician of the Month

Chuck Smith is always willing to help and goes the extra mile. He is so friendly and courteous. Whenever someone is in need of a repair, Chuck steps right in to help. When wholesale replaced their stamping machine and they were down a man, Chuck jumped right in to help. When they needed a new electric breaker installed, Chuck, with his smile and his can-do attitude, made it happen.
A little over a month ago, Chuck was working on the roof at a store (something he does every day), and as he started climbing down the ladder, the base of the ladder kicked out on him, and he dropped like a rock! After a few moments laying on the ground, he caught his breath, dusted himself off and got right back to work.

After a day or two of feeling bruised and sore, Chuck went to the doctor and found out he had a broken foot! Knowing how shorthanded the department was already, Chuck did not want to leave his team hanging. He could have taken some time off to heal but instead he chose to come in every day and work through the pain.

Since he was placed on restricted duty (must wear a boot, can’t go up on ladders, and no heavy lifting, etc.), Chuck stayed on the ground and gave direction to others as they fixed equipment on the roof. He helped train new coworkers and guided them on their first days. Chuck knew that the department needed him, and he refused to let his team down.

Chuck, for taking one for the team, you truly deserve to be Magician of the Month. We are beyond blessed to have you on our team. Thanks for all you do!